elegant white velvet drapery for events decorate
We have now added white velvet drapery to our selling product stock. Sizes 3m wide 6.5m drop, 1.5m wide 6.5m drop, 3m wide 3.5m drop, 1.5m wide 3.5m drop & 3.5m wide 3.5m drop. velvet for example, being in effect see through can be used in incredibly beautiful ways, and working with different fullness and layers can bring in an added depth with light and projection. White velvet can be used in combination with our LED Starcloth for additional magical effect.

If you would to interest to this product or just want to ask us a question simply, ring us on +8675582500272 calling jack or mail me by sd306@raykglobal.com to receive some friendly advice on what will work best for you.

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